The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is expanding its use of facial recognition technology across U.S. airports. AJL is gathering feedback on your experiences with face scans at TSA checkpoints. Help us by filling out a TSA scorecard every time you fly domestic from a TSA airport.
Fill Out A ScorecardFill Out A ScorecardAI-generated content is reshaping the creative landscape, threatening writers’ livelihoods, and undermining the craft of writing. Together, we can empower artists and defend the future of creative work.
Join the MovementJoin the MovementIf you are aware of algorithmic/AI harms, biases, or triumphs, please fill out this form. In order to fulfill our stated mission and better serve our AJL communities, we want to create content that is more inclusive and will support us with strengthening our advocacy efforts.
We are committed to holding companies and institutions accountable and safeguarding the public from AI harms. We will get back to you within 48 hours on weekdays and 72 over the weekend. Your responses are optional and will be protected according to our Privacy Policy.
Stay up to date with the movement towards equitable and accountable AI.